- 24 JANV 31 JANVThe École urbaine de Lyon hosts the “Anthropocene School” Multidisciplinary Festival
The École urbaine de Lyon, one of the two Convergence Institutes of the Université de Lyon, is holding a major multidisciplinary event. This week-long festival will provide many opportunities to learn, debate and build upon ideas alongside scientists, thinkers, artists, politicians, organizations, etc.
- 21 JANV 31 JANV"From your PhD to employment" program: a six-month support program for young researchers seeking employment
The Université de Lyon and Pôle Emploi, through the support of the Objectif Pour L'Emploi association, have been able to provide a new scheme, "Du doctorat a l'emploi" ("From your PhD to employment", DDAE), which offers customized support for graduates entering employment. Read on for a summary of the 2017 sessions and a presentation of this year’s program, which will run in September and October.
- 16 JANVPreparing for higher education: disability information evening at the Université de Lyon
On Wednesday, January 16, 2019, the second information evening about studies after the baccalauréat is being held by the Académie de Lyon and the Université de Lyon, for students with disabilities in 11th and 12th grade (or in Première and Terminale respectively), or who are receiving individualized support.
- 07 JANV 11 JANVThe MANUTECH-SLEIGHT Graduate School of Research (EUR) is organizing its First Graduate Session
The MANUTECH-SLEIGHT (light-surface engineering, health and society) Graduate School of Research's First Graduate Session will be held from January 7 through 11, 2019, in Saint-Étienne, at the Université Jean Monnet's (UJM) Manufacture Campus.
- 24 DÉC 31 DÉCThe Marie Curie library at INSA Lyon will be open during Christmas holidays
As part of the “Open Libraries +” project led by the Université de Lyon, the Marie Curie library at INSA Lyon will exceptionally remain open during the Christmas holiday season.
- 20 DÉCLaunch of the second Scientific Breathrough Program call for proposals
The second edition of the call for proposals Scientific Breakthrough Program is published on December 20th of 2018. This call for proposals aims to support the site's innovative and ambitious research projects to give full scope to IDEXLYON's academic ambitions.
- 17 DÉC 29 JANV2018/2019 call for projects: standard FIE & theme FIE - 4 panels per year
Do you belong to a student association and would you like to lead a project that would benefit other students at the Lyon Saint-Étienne site? The Université de Lyon can help you finance your project via the Student Initiative Fund (FIE – Fonds d’initiative étudiante) that organizes several sessions per year.
- 14 DÉCAnnouncing the Student Initiative Fund winners from the fall 2018 session
The Université de Lyon’s Student Initiative Fund (FIE) commission has voted to grant subsidies to 15 projects, two of which address the “sustainable development” theme put forward for this session.
- 14 DÉCThe Université de Lyon grants an Honorary Doctorate to Pierre Marc Johnson
Pierre Marc Johnson, the 24th Prime Minister of Quebec, and who is now advocatus emeritus of the Quebec Bar, received an Honorary Doctorate from the Université de Lyon and its President Khaled Bouabdallah on November 12, 2018, during the Jacques Cartier Meetings.
- 13 DÉCPatents honored at the next development workshop organized by PULSALYS
Following the success of the last workshops, PULSALYS, the innovation accelerator led by the Université de Lyon, is organizing a new development workshop on the theme of patents on December 13.
- 11 DÉCCirB-RNA project offers a scientific workshop on “Biomarkers of functional cure of Hepatitis B”
The CirB-RNA project, coordinated by the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 as part of the Investments for the Future Program, tries to create a diagnosis test to accompany the development of curative treatments of Hepatitis B, non-existent today whilst the disease affects more than 240 million people worldwide. In order to foster exchanges on the subject, the research team offers a workshop on December 11, with various speakers.
- 11 DÉC 16 MAICreative Lunch Hours to Learn how to Innovate
As part of the Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship (RICE) workshop network, creative lunch workshops are being held throughout the year. These workshops are primarily aimed at RICE members, but they are also open to staff and professors from the Université de Lyon and its member institutions, subject to limited available seating.
- 10 DÉCBeelys Business Evening: IoT & AI
This December 10 initiative was jointly led by Beelys, the La Poste group, the CEA and Lyon French Tech. During the evening, the Beelys student-entrepreneurs leading artificial intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT) projects were given the opportunity to test their business model on AI & IoT experts from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region: LETI CEA Tech, Minalogic and Probayes.
- 10 DÉCAnnouncing the Winners of the 7th Lyon StartUp Program
The award ceremony for the seventh Lyon StartUp was held on Wednesday, December 10, at the Embarcadère, in the second district of Lyon. It was attended by Rémi Rochon, the head of the graduating class and founder and director of Okeenea.
- 06 DÉC 31 JANVCall for participation in the 2019 Pop'Sciences festival
The Pop’Sciences festival is coming back in 2019. It gives researchers, PhD students, engineers, laboratory technicians, facilitators, mediators, and Pop’Sciences contributors an opportunity to present their research, test a scientific mediation, see how their fellow citizens understand their work and communicate their passion for science to a wider, more diverse audience directly in a local neighborhood.
- 06 DÉCConference & debate on animal consciousness at VetAgro Sup
A lecture and debate about animal consciousness is being held at the veterinary campus in Lyon on December 6, 2018. It is funded by IDEXLYON and is part of the Global Health 2018 series of lectures organized by VetAgro Sup.
- 05 DÉCE-learning mornings: askill-based approach to professionalizing training programs
The E-Learning mornings are a series of conferences exploring innovative practices in digital education. This event for teachers and professionals will be held at the Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 on December 5, and will feature the skill-based approach to learning, which is now one of the major issues being explored in higher education.
- 04 DÉCThe Université de Lyon and PULSALYS invite you to celebrate its highlights at the “PULSALYS fête ses lumières” event
The Université de Lyon and PULSALYS, its Technology Transfer Acceleration Company (SATT), are pleased to invite you to its end-of-year celebration, “PULSALYS fête ses lumières” on Tuesday, December 4, 2018 at 5:30 PM.
- 04 DÉCResults of the random draw for members of the Université de Lyon’s governing board (colleges no. 5 and no. 6)
The random draw to fill four seats on the Université de Lyon’s governing board, three of which are for category 5 (BIATSS) and one for category 6 (users) was held on November 15, 2018.
- 04 DÉCThe PULSALYS SATT Launches the “Young Doctors” Program
To further its aim of promoting research and the transfer of knowledge to civil society, PULSALYS, the Technology Transfer Acceleration Company (SATT) in Lyon and Saint-Étienne, is launching a new program targeting local young PhDs. This program will provide them with an opportunity to further develop the results from their dissertation for a year, while receiving funding and personalized support.
- 29 NOVThe 2018 Students Welcome Desk closes with the final My Lyon evening at the Musée des Confluences
This final My Lyon evening to close the Students Welcome Desk project is open to all students. It will be held within the Musée des Confluences.
- 29 NOV 01 DÉC“48 hours to bring ideas to life®” with the Innovation Factory: Students in Saint-Étienne rose to the challenge
The first event held in Saint-Étienne for the national “48 hours to bring ideas to life®” challenge brought together 70 students from a variety of fields. Three teams were rewarded for their innovative ideas in this event held by the Université de Lyon’s Innovation Factory.
- 29 NOVThe Third MyLyon Evening at the Musée des Confluences Brought 2,000 Students Together!
This evening was open to all students and featured exclusively student-created programming based on world arts and cultures. This evening closed the Students Welcome Desk program and was held on Thursday, November 29 by the Université de Lyon, the Crous de Lyon and the Musée des Confluences.
- 28 NOV 29 NOVA delegation from the Université de Lyon visits São Paulo
For the renewal of the framework agreement for the cooperation between the São Paulo University (USP) and the Université de Lyon (UdL), a delegation from the UdL, led by its President Khaled Bouabdallah and its Vice-President for International Relations, Jacques Comby, traveled to São Paulo on November 28 and 29.
- 28 NOV 25 JANVCall for applications – InSPIRES spring school – Science shops: strengthening the relationships between research and society
The Institut Pasteur in Tunis and the Université de Lyon, as partners of the *H2020 InSPIRES project consortium, are organizing a spring school for the science shops on April 22 and 23, 2019.
- 28 NOVThe Beelys PEPITE organizes an International Entrepreneuship evening
On November 28, Beelys, the Université de Lyon’s Student Center for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship, the Foundation for the Université de Lyon and Enactus invite you to listen to the stories and experiences of student-entrepreneurs who traveled abroad to find inspiration and who leveraged the power of acculturation in their entrepreneurial projects.
- 27 NOVStudent elections for the Board of directors of the Crous de Lyon
On November 27, students within the Académie de Lyon are asked to elect 7 student representatives to the Crous’s Board of directors for a two-year period.
- 27 NOV 05 DÉCPop'Sciences Forum: the city of the future belongs to its citizens!
In the upcoming Pop’Sciences Forum, the Université de Lyon and its partners are exploring the new transformations within the city and for its citizens that are being brought about by digital technology.
- 27 NOVThe Université de Lyon participates in the ARQUS European University Alliance with 5 other renowned European universities
On the morning of November 27 in Brussels, the representatives of the Universities of Granada (Spain), Graz (Austria), Leipzig (Germany), Padova (Italy) and Vilnius (Lithuania), and Lyon signed a memorandum of understanding to establish the ARQUS European University Alliance, an initiative designed to promote deep integration of the six institutions in their teaching and learning, research, outreach and civic engagement missions.
- 26 NOVOutcome of the 2019 call for Impulsion projects
- 22 NOVResearchers from the Université de Lyon meet middle-schoolers and the general public
The Université de Lyon is organizing a meeting between middle-schoolers and PhD students on November 22 at the Maria Casarès middle school at Rilleux-la-Pape where the doctoral dents will answer middle- and high-schoolers’ questions about the academic world and scientific professions. At the end of the day, the general public will be invited to attend discussions from 5 to 8 PM.
- 19 NOV 23 NOV2018 Tour de France Agir Ensemble Operation: let’s be environmentally responsible!
The 2018 Tour de France Agir Ensemble operation will be held from November 19 to 23, 2018. This week will raise awareness of the importance of environmentally friendly actions with fun and educational workshops for students and staff.
- 19 NOVFirst graduation ceremony for the Digital transformation university diploma
The graduation ceremony for the first graduating class of the Université de Lyon’s innovative program, the Digital transformation university diploma (DU), was held on November 19.
- 15 NOVRandom draw to nominate the representatives for the Université de Lyon's governing board
A random draw will be held to fill four seats on the Université de Lyon’s governing board, three of which are for category 5 and the other for category 6.
- 15 NOVSeminar: “Strengthening the ties between universities and civil society: experiences, methods, questions”
The academic world has been engaging more and more with civil society in recent years. As part of their commitment to fostering dialog between universities and citizens, Sherbooke University and the Université de Lyon are holding a colloquium to explore relevant issues and exchange best practices.
- 13 NOV 19 DÉCApplications open for the 2019 My Thesis in 180 Seconds competition
My Thesis in 180 Seconds, the international Francophone competition launched in Quebec, is back for the sixth time in France. The initiative is led by the Conference of university presidents (CPU) and the CNRS. The Université de Lyon is organizing the competition for the Lyon Saint-Étienne site on behalf of its member institutions.
- 12 NOV 13 NOVLyon Urban School participates in the 2018 Jacques Cartier Meetings: "Are Lyon and Montreal smart cities?" colloquium
The 2018 Jacques Cartier Meetings will be held in Lyon from November 12 through 14. This year’s theme is “Mobility, Territories, and Smart Cities”. Lyon Urban School (École urbaine de Lyon), the Université de Lyon and the Faculty of Art and Science of Concordia University in Montreal are holding a colloquium during the event on the topic: “Are Lyon and Montreal Smart Cities?” on November 12 and 13.
- 07 NOV 09 NOVThe COMOD LabEx supports the colloquium entitled "the modern European approach to philo of Alexandria: the reception the Judeo-Hellenistic corpus" (16th-18th centuries)
This international colloquium is organized by the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies (University of Oxford), the ENS de Lyon, the Institut d’histoire des représentations et des idées dans les modernités (Institute of History of Representations and Ideas In Modernity, CNRS, IHRIM), the CoMod Labex (Université de Lyon), the GIS Humanités (Humanities Scientific Interest Group), the Institut d’histoire du livre (Institute of History of Books), the Société d’étude du xviie siècle (Society for 17th Century Studies), the Municipal Library of Lyon, and the Institut des Sources chrétiennes (Institute of Christian Sources, CNRS, HISOMA).
- 06 NOVA look back at the 2018-2019 Beelys program launch
On November 6, Beelys, the student entrepreneurship center at the Université de Lyon, presented its programs for the entrepreneurs of tomorrow to over 300 entrepreneurs, students, mentors, and partners.
- 06 NOV 04 JANVLaunch of the second call for projects "For campus arts"
Alongside the IDEXLYON initiative, the Université de Lyon is launching a call for projects for “Campus Arts", to support student initiatives, encourage creativity and foster their artistic expression.
- 06 NOV 08 NOVThe Economy Days are back in Lyon from November 6 to 8, 2018
The Foundation for the Université de Lyon is organizing the eleventh Economy Days on November 6, 7 and 8, in collaboration with the ENS de Lyon.
- 06 NOVThe Université de Lyon awards an Honorary Doctorate to Professor Vernon Smith, Nobel Prize laureate in economics
On Tuesday, November 6, during the Economy Days (JÉCO), the Université de Lyon awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Professor Vernon Smith, the 2002 Economic Sciences Nobel Prize laureate for his research in experimental economics.
- 05 NOVThe Université de Lyon renews its framework agreement with Tongji University
The framework agreement was renewed for five years during the visit from a delegation from Tongji University, led by the President of the University Board, FANG Shouen.
- 01 NOV 30 NOVThe Lyon Urban School launches a call for internship projects
The Lyon Urban School, one of the two Convergence Institutes attached to the Université de Lyon, is putting out the 2018-2019 call for internship topics and projects for students enrolled in partner Master’s programs.
- 31 OCT 18 NOVScience Shop: applications are open for 2018-2019 internships for second-year Master's students
The Université de Lyon’s Science Shop is building a bridge between research and civil society. Each year, it matches organizations with a team of scientists to find practical solutions to their concerns.
- 30 OCTThis year's 11th cohort of the Collegium de Lyon includes 20 international researchers
The Collegium de Lyon’s scientific board has selected twenty top-level foreign researchers to work at the Lyon Institute of Advanced Studies in 2018-2019, which has celebrated its tenth anniversary.
- 23 OCTEurope Ambition Day 2018: seize opportunities to receive European funding
The Université de Lyon is co-organizing the 2018 Europe Ambition Day on October 23. This will provide an opportunity for many local companies and research centers to obtain European funding.
- 23 OCT 28 JUINThe "Joyous Cacophony" project continues with a traveling exhibition
On September 16, the Université de Lyon, the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, the Université Lumière Lyon 2, the Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 and the Fred Bendongué Company gathered 270 Université de Lyon students and staff members, along with local inhabitants of the third and seventh districts of Lyon, to participate in a parade at the 2018 Dance Biennale.
- 18 OCTOpen Access Day: libraries and researchers make science accessible to everyone
On October 18, 2018, during Open Access week, the Université de Lyon is organizing a half-day of conferences and workshops on the theme of open science.
- 17 OCT 18 OCTThe Université de Lyon at the Rendez-Vous Carnot, R&D meetings for businesses
The Université de Lyon will attend the 11th Rendez-Vous Carnot on October 17-18 at the Lyon Cité des Congrès.
- 17 OCTOpen Day at the Université de Lyon’s Innovation Pre-Factory
The Innovation Pre-Factory in Lyon is celebrating its first anniversary by hosting an Open Day on October 17, from noon to 6:30 PM.
- 17 OCT 21 DÉCRegistrations are open for the second class of the Innovation Academy
The Université de Lyon is launching the second Innovation Academy program, during which a group of doctoral students will experience an entrepreneurial adventure together while developing innovative projects.
- 17 OCTOver a hundred visitors discovered the Innovation Pre-Factory
Over one hundred people visited the Innovation Pre-Factory in Lyon during the open house on September 17. This day was held as a celebration of the building’s first anniversary. Visitors were given the opportunity to discover the fablab and creativity room located at the LyonTech-la Doua campus.
- 16 OCT“Learning to learn in a fake wews world, from high school to university” workshop
The Université de Lyon is hosting the “Learning to learn in a fake news world, from high school to university” colloquium on Tuesday, October 16, 2018, which is being organized by the Conference of University Presidents (CPU - Conférence des présidents d'université).
- 16 OCT 29 NOVCall for interest in the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes's "Ambitious Research Package"
The Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is launching a call for projects for an “Ambitious Research Package”, which aims to support laboratory projects with high socio-economic potential. The Université de Lyon is responsible for the first phase, the call for interest.
- 11 OCT 17 JANVDigital transformation: impact on work and organizations
The Université de Lyon’s Disrupt’ Campus curriculum is launching a new conference cycle for its autumn training course. These free conferences are co-organized by the Métropole de Lyon, and they are open to the general public. The four-part “Digital Tools and Organizational Transformation” series will discuss how the digital revolution is changing working methods and management.
- 10 OCTWhich three researchers have won the 2018 Young Researcher Award?
The Métropole de Lyon has partnered with the Université de Lyon to award the 2018 Young Researcher Award to three young researchers from Lyon on October 9, during the 27th Science Fair.
- 08 OCT 12 NOVThe IDEXLYON is launching a call for interest for “Teaching Innovation”
The IDEXLYON is launching a call for interest for “Teaching Innovation” to identify and support innovative educational initiatives at the Lyon Saint-Étienne site that will contribute to the Université de Lyon’s academic excellence.
- 08 OCTTwo young researchers from Lyon win the L'Oréal Foundation "For Women and Science" award
On October 8, during the Science Fair, the L’Oréal Foundation revealed the names of the 30 young women winners of the French L’Oréal UNESCO For Women in Science Award. Two doctoral students in Lyon were among the winners.
- 03 OCTAstrophysicist Hélène Courtois wins the French Award for Scientific Influence
Hélène Courtois, professor and Vice-President of the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, was awarded the French Award for Scientific Influence on Tuesday, October 2, by Jean-Yves Le Drian, French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs.
- 02 OCTLaunch of MANUTECH-SLEIGHT Graduate School of Research
Led by the Université de Lyon and coordinated by the Université Jean Monnet, MANUTECH-SLEIGHT was one of two Graduate Schools of Research (EUR) selected by the French National Agency for Research in November 2017. It has just been launched on the Manufacture campus in Saint-Étienne.
- 01 OCTTaking care of your health is not that complicated!
The Université de Lyon and its partners, the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the Assurance Maladie and the Crous de Lyon, are launching a widespread information campaign at the start of this academic year. It aims to help students gain a better understanding of the health system and remind them of the importance of taking care of their health, even when young.
- 01 OCTThe Université de Lyon hosts the Mayor of Porto-Novo, Benin
The mayor of Porto-Novo in Benin visited the Innovation Pre-Factory and the Maison du Projet on the LyonTech-la Doua campus during his time in Lyon.
- 01 OCTThe Investments for the Future Program highlighted at the 2018 start of the academic year ceremony at the Université de Lyon
The start of the academic year ceremony for the Université de Lyon was held on October 1, 2018 in the Grand amphithéâtre of the Université de Lyon. The event celebrated past accomplishments and shared future plans for the site’s academic and structural changes.
- 29 SEPTGraduation ceremony for the 54th class of ENISE
The graduation ceremony for the École nationale d'ingénieurs de Saint-Étienne (ENISE), a member institution of the Université de Lyon, was held at the Zénith de Saint-Étienne on September 29.
- 27 SEPTEight young talents who get the city moving rewarded at the “Lyon in the move” evening
The Université de Lyon sponsored the second “Lyon in the move” event, an evening to celebrate the involvement of young people in city life, organized by the Le Progrès newspaper and the Métropole de Lyon.
- 24 SEPTThe academic year begins for the first "Plastronics Project Manager" class
The first class enrolled in the innovative “Plastronics Project Manager” training program began its academic year on September 24.
- 19 SEPT 21 SEPTA look back at the third French-Italian-Swiss cross-border doctoral workshop
Nineteen doctoral students from the Université de Lyon, 13 from the Università degli Studi di Torino, 9 from the Politecnico di Torino and 8 from the Conférence universitaire de Suisse occidentale attended an intensive professional development training program in Turin.
- 18 SEPTSuccess for the Université de Lyon's first Urban Logistics School
The Université de Lyon organized the first session of its Urban Logistics School from September 11 to 13, immersing participants in the world of urban space, transport and movement management. It provided its 15 participants with a systemic approach to the strategic issues involved in urban logistics.
- 17 SEPTThe Jeune Ballet at Lyon's CNSMD performs Maguy Marin's May B
Every year, the Jeune Ballet at Lyon's Conservatoire national supérieur musique et danse (CNSMD) performs a famous piece by an internationally-renowned choreographer. Last March, the student dancers had the opportunity to perform May B by Maguy Marin.
- 17 SEPTThe Université de Lyon unveils two new buildings on the LyonTech-la DOua campus
Major players in the area of higher education and research in Lyon met on September 17 for the official inauguration of two new buildings on the LyonTech-la Doua campus: Michel-Eugène Chevreul and Edgar Lederer.
- 16 SEPTThe Université de Lyon in the Peace Parade for the 2018 Lyon Dance Biennale
Since January 2018, the 270 participants that make up the "Joyous Cacophony", the Université de Lyon's group, have filled the gymnasiums and universities of Lyon to learn and practice the choreography designed by Fred Bendongué for the 2018 Dance Biennale Parade, on September 16, 2018.
- 12 SEPT 23 NOVThe PULSALYS technology transfer acceleration company (SATT) and IDEXLYON, are launching the Tech 4 Inclusion call for projects on September 12
The Tech 4 Inclusion call for projects supports laboratory inventions aiming to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities and marginalized people.
- 10 SEPTThe Université de Lyon’s Sports Association (AS UdL) hosted the China University of Political Sciences and Law
On September 10, the Université de Lyon greeted the prestigious China University of Political Sciences and Law for the International France-China Men’s Soccer Tournament.
- 07 JUIN 10 OCTThe Université de Lyon’s Research Ethics platform has opened its MOOC
The Université de Lyon’s research ethics platform launched its MOOC during its annual symposium on June 6 & 7.
- 31 MAIYoung Researcher Prize: who will be the three winners this year?
Each year, the Métropole de Lyon, in partnership with the Université de Lyon, awards young researchers prizes to promote scientific excellence in Lyon.
- 27 MAI 01 JUINThe Université de Lyon alongside Campus France at the NAFSA 2018 exhibition in Philadelphia
From May 27 to June 1, 2018, the Université de Lyon took part in the annual NAFSA conference, which brings together specialists in higher education and research from around the world.
- 14 MAI 16 MAIThe Université de Lyon is launching its second Doctoriales program
The Doctoriales will be held on the university site, on May 14, 15 and 16, 2018 in the Valpré space (Écully). Organized across the Lyon Saint-Étienne site, the Doctoriales offer hands-on training programs where multidisciplinary PhD teams can take a fresh look at the challenges faced by organizations (companies, authorities, associations, etc.).
- 03 MAIHUBLO Festival, a gathering for young entrepreneurs
On May 3, Beelys, the Student Center for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship shared by the Université de Lyon and the Fondation pour l'Université de Lyon, is inviting the region's economic stakeholders to meet student entrepreneurs and start-ups with great potential.
- 02 MAIPreparing for higher education: looking back at the disability information evening
On Wednesday, May 2, the Académie de Lyon and the Université de Lyon organized an evening to inform junior and senior high-school students with disabilities about higher education opportunities.
- 26 AVRTongji University alumni evening
The Université de Lyon participates in the Tongji University alumni evening, on April 26. Registrations for this convivial meeting are open.
- 25 AVR 27 AVRCOMOD LabEx supports the international "Feminist Theory" symposium
The international “Feminist Theory” symposium is supported by COMOD LabEx and falls within the field of gender research. It is applied within the framework of LabEx’s no.3 thematic axis, entitled “L’État et les citoyens” ("A country and its citizens").
- 24 AVRThree minutes to convince the audience in the final Innovation Academy Challenge
The first year of the Innovation Academy will come to a close on April 24, 2018, at the Université de Lyon with its final Challenge. This is a chance for PhD students to present how their projects have progressed since the launch day in January earlier this year.
- 23 AVR 27 AVRThe Université de Lyon has hosted The Web Conference 2018
The 27th year of this prestigious global web conference: The Web Conference (formerly WWW), organized by the Université de Lyon in partnership with the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and the Métropole de Lyon, and in collaboration with Digital League and IW3C2, took place from April 23 to 27, 2018, at the Centre de Congrès de Lyon.
- 23 AVR 28 AVRThe Université de Lyon is taking part in Lifesaving Action Week
Lifesaving Action Week (Semaine des gestes qui sauvent), launched in 2017 by the Ville de Lyon, is a chance for the general public to learn about and train in basic first aid. The Université de Lyon is contributing to this laudable metropolitan initiative by offering a free induction workshop on April 25 from 6 pm to 8 pm.
- 23 AVR 10 MAIPop'Sciences Forum: the Université de Lyon takes a step back and looks at Artificial Intelligence
By organizing its first Pop'Sciences Forum, the Université de Lyon aims to bring together researchers, the public, artists, associations and companies, so they can learn and reflect together about the reality of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our society. The program, which will last more than two weeks, includes lectures, screenings, debates, workshops and meet-ups on the topics of work, health, ethics, feminism and democracy.
- 12 AVRA charity orienteering event organized by students in support of the fight against cancer
Over 100 students are expected to gather on the LyonTech-la Doua campus on Thursday, April 12, for a charity orienteering event organized by the Cancer Master's course at the Université Lyon 1 in support of the fight against cancer.
- 09 AVR 30 AVRThe MILYON LabEx's House of Mathematics and Computer Science is launching a call for partnerships
The House of Mathematics and Computer Science (MMI - Maison des mathématiques et de l’informatique), an organization run by the Université de Lyon's MILYON LabEx, is looking for partners (associations, research and education institutions, activity leaders) for event organization and outreach activities during the 2018-2019 academic year.
- 05 AVRThe Université de Lyon is co-organizing the National University Dance Events
The National University Dance Events are a true highlight for university dance and a unique opportunity to highlight students' creative work from the year and thus promote their artistic talent. The event has been scheduled for April 5 at the Maison de la Danse, where we will be able to see 180 shortlisted dancers perform!
- 05 AVRLyonTech-la Doua campus is celebrating sustainable development
As part of Sustainable Development Student Day 2018 organized by the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, several events are being held throughout the day of Thursday, April 5, 2018, to raise the awareness of as many people as possible about environmental issues.
- 03 AVR 05 AVRHonoring arts and culture on our campuses
The Arts and Culture in Higher Education Days (JACES: Journées des arts et de la culture dans l’enseignement supérieur) aim to showcase cultural and artistic achievements in higher education. For 2018, the Université de Lyon's member institutions have decided to share a program for the first time, with over 30 events open to the public from April 3 to 5, 2018.
- 03 AVRCall for projects for Campus Arts results from the first edition
As part of IDEXLYON, five projects were announced the winners of the Campus Arts call for projects.
- 03 AVRThe Université de Lyon is launching an eco-friendly action campaign
As part of Sustainable Development Student Week, the Université de Lyon is launching an awareness campaign on eco-friendly actions. This campaign is the result of collaborative work between representatives of the energy and ecological transition, the institutions' communication departments and the Université de Lyon's project team.
- 29 MARSMy Thesis in 180 Seconds 2018 - Louise Souquet and Hadrien De Blander win the Université de Lyon regional final
The Université de Lyon regional final of the My Thesis in 180 Seconds (MT180) competition was held on Thursday, March 29, in the Université de Lyon's Grand Amphithéâtre. Fourteen candidates from the site's institutions presented their thesis subjects, with a mix of humor and apprehension, to a full house before three jury prizes and one audience prize were awarded.
- 26 MARS 30 AVRThe Métropole de Lyon and the Université de Lyon are supporting scientific events
In partnership with the Université de Lyon, the Métropole de Lyon is supporting scientific events held in the region.
- 23 MARS 04 AVRThe COMOD LabEx is supporting the call for NEOLATINLYON 2018 applications
Néolatinlyon 2018 - Call for applications for the neo-Latin school
- 16 MARSLatest sports results from the Université de Lyon's Sports Association teams
Whether rugby, football or basketball, there have been a number of wins for our UdL AS teams in team sports events this month. Here are some photos of their wonderful achievements during the French University Championships.
- 15 MARSA bronze French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) medal awarded to a member of the COMOD LabEx
Every year the CNRS rewards those who have contributed most to its outreach and to the advancement of research.
- 14 MARSPortraits of the MILYON LabEx researchers
Meetings with exceptional researchers in mathematics and computer science.
- 14 MARSThe Université de Lyon is launching two support campaigns as part of the IDEXLYON project: one for symposiums and another for thematic schools.
The supported symposiums and thematic schools will share a dual objective of disseminating scientific knowledge and boosting the international reputation of the Lyon Saint-Étienne university site.
- 13 MARSThe ASLAN and CORTEX LabExes are raising public awareness about the challenges of dyslexia at university
As part of Brain Awareness Week 2018, the ASLAN and CORTEX LabExes organized a public conference evening on March 13 with the aim of learning more about the difficulties that dyslexic students face, as well as their compensation strategies to support academic success.
- 12 MARS 17 MARS20th yearly Brain Awareness Week
For Brain Awareness Week from March 12 to 17, the general public will have the chance to discover advances in brain research. In Lyon, the event will be highlighting two key issues: perception and addiction.
- 12 MARSThe IMU LabEx is organizing a "thinking together about the city's database" day
IMU Day 2018: March 28, 2018 - The PIXEL Center, Studio 24, 24 rue Decorps, 69100 Villeurbanne, France
- 08 MARSThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris hosts the Conference of University Presidents (CPU)
Khaled Bouabdallah, President of the Université de Lyon and Vice-President of the CPU, meets Jean-Yves Le Drian, the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs.
- 08 MARS 14 JUINA series of conferences to boost the digital transformation of your company
From March to June 2018, the Université de Lyon and the Métropole de Lyon will be offering a series of lectures discussing digital transformation at the Métropole de Lyon's Maison des Étudiants.
- 08 MARS 09 MARSBeelys: a look back at the D2E mentor breakfast and the entrepreneur community evening #2
Over the past month, there have been two events for the Beelys (Boosting Entrepreneurial Spirit in Lyon Saint-Étienne) PEPITE. A look back at the D2E mentor breakfast and the entrepreneur community evening #2, which brought together around 150 participants in total.
- 07 MARSWhen you can at last study plastronics
INSA Lyon, CPE Lyon, Lycée Arbez Carme and the Fondation pour l’Université de Lyon have pooled their expertise to build a training course dedicated to plastronics. The first training course, at bac+5 level (five years of post-baccalaureate study), will start in September, 2018.
- 05 MARSThe Université de Lyon, the CNRS and Tohoku University are strengthening their cooperation in materials science and engineering
On March 5, 2018, the Université de Lyon with the CNRS received a delegation from Tohoku University (Japan) led by its President, Susumu Satomi, to develop the ELyTMaX International Mixed Unit (UMI) and the ELyT Global International Associated Laboratory (LIA).
- 02 MARSThe "Sûr’TCL" and "Kéo" projects winners of the Alstom-Innovation Factory challenge
The Université de Lyon, through the Factory of Innovation scheme and Alstom, has completed its second multidisciplinary student challenge. This year, the theme of the event was "safety on public rail transport for passengers and staff". Two prizes were awarded to teams made up of students from several institutions at the Université de Lyon.
- 01 MARS 02 MARSThe Alstom Factory of Innovation challenge: call for applications
Through the Factory of Innovation scheme and for the second year running, the Université de Lyon and the French rail company Alstom are organizing an ideation challenge based on the theme "safety on public rail transport for passengers and staff".
- 27 FÉVR 29 MARSMy Thesis in 180 Seconds 2018 - Watch the regional final!
The Université de Lyon regional final of the international French-speaking "My Thesis in 180 Seconds" competition will be held on March 29 at 6 pm in the UdL's Grand Amphithéâtre. Come and support our PhD students!
- 26 FÉVR 02 MARSWIL (Winter Innovation Lab) in Saint-Étienne
The first edition of the Winter Innovation Lab, February 26 to March 2, 2018, is coming. Learn how to create that prototype you really need.
- 19 FÉVRThe Student Initiative Fund winners from the Fall 2017 session are...
From the 12 projects submitted during the Fall 2017 session, the Université de Lyon's Student Initiative Fund (FIE) committee has voted to allocate grants to ten projects.
- 15 FÉVRA look back at the French University 2nd Division Judo and Kyu Championships
French University 2nd Division Judo and Kyu Championships - Reims, France - February 8, 2018 - Photo credits: UdL Sports Associations (AS)
- 15 FÉVR 01 MARSLaunch of the Science Shop exhibition at the Université de Lyon
For the launch of the 2018 Science Shop work placements, a Science Shop exhibition will take place at the Université de Lyon from February 15 to March 1, in the hall at 90 Rue Pasteur Lyon 7e.
- 12 FÉVR[R] Challenge: air quality, the latest digital challenge in Grand Lyon
Would you like to try out an innovative digital solution to improve air quality in cities? Wait no longer and submit your application before March 15, 2018 to take part in the [R] Challenge, so you can receive support from experts and access resources for your experiments in the Lyon metropolitan area.
- 06 FÉVR"Stage Dating" ("Internship Dating") evening on February 6, 2018 at the Université de Lyon
Beelys is offering internships in startups in the fields of software development, communication/web communication and marketing/web marketing. To find out more about these opportunities, come along to the "Stage Dating" ("Internship Dating") workshop on February 6, 2018 in the Grand Amphithéâtre at the Université de Lyon.
- 01 FÉVRThe UdL Sports Association medalists from the French University Indoor Athletics Championships
The UdL Sports Association's teams shone during the French University Indoor Athletics Championships held in Aubière (Puy-de-Dôme) on February 1. The event, organized by the French University Sports Federation (FFSU - Fédération Française du Sport universitaire) was a tremendous success and one which will be remembered by the many Université de Lyon students standing on the podiums!
- 30 JANVChinese students: apply for a doctoral program and receive a grant from the China Scholarship Council
The Université de Lyon (UdL) has signed an agreement with the China Scholarship Council (CSC) to award thirty doctoral grants each year to Chinese PhD students at the UdL.
- 26 JANVVisit from Frédérique Vidal, the French Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
Frédérique Vidal, the French Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, visited the Université de Lyon on Friday, January 26, 2018, to discuss Parcoursup, the new admissions platform for higher education. During her visit, the university presidents presented innovative schemes and procedures that contribute towards the success of students within their institutions.
- 23 JANVA successful launch day for the Innovation Academy
Fifty PhD students attended the Innovation Academy's launch day at the Université de Lyon on January 23, 2018. This was a real success for the new scheme that encourages PhD students to develop innovative projects.
- 23 JANV2018 Call for projects: Standard FIE and Theme FIE “Student welcome and integration”
Do you belong to a student association and would you like to lead a project that would benefit other students at the Lyon Saint-Étienne site? The Université de Lyon can help you finance your project via the Student Initiative Fund (FIE - Fonds d’initiative étudiante) that organizes two sessions per year in spring and autumn. Each FIE session includes a focus on a specific topic, called a “Theme FIE”, enabling students to apply for increased funding for their projects.
- 17 JANV 18 FÉVRLyon StartUp 2018 call for applications
Do you have an innovative idea or project? Has your startup not yet entered its creation phase, and has the legal status of your company not yet been filed? Then you should apply for the sixth year of Lyon StartUp from February to June, 2018.
- 16 JANV 15 FÉVRThe Students Welcome Desk is back for January and February 2018!
The Students Welcome Desk will be organizing new sessions open to all students on Tuesdays and Thursdays from January 16 to February 15, 2018, to welcome those arriving for the first time at the start of this new term.
- 09 JANVJEA program launch on January 9, 2018
The JEA acceleration and development program for startups, led by Beelys, is back for its 11th year. 52 startups have been selected out of 200 applicants to participate in the 2018 project.
- 19 DÉCThe Université de Lyon Sports Association's (AS) footballers play in China
As part of the Franco-Chinese University Tournament, two of the Université de Lyon's Sports Association teams represented French university football in China for ten days from October 27 to November 7, 2017.
- 18 DÉCFeedback from the three support schemes for Syrian students at the Université de Lyon
In response to the situation in Syria, stakeholders in higher education and research from the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, including the Université de Lyon, have rallied together to better welcome and support Syrian students. We have received feedback from three of these schemes which were explained by statements from the students themselves.
- 18 DÉCThe SameSame startup wins the 2017 PEPITE Tremplin Award for student entrepreneurship
The SameSame startup, founded by Alexandre Boulmé as part of his student entrepreneur diploma (D2E) at the Université de Lyon, won one of three PEPITE Tremplin Awards for student entrepreneurship on 15 November 2017 in Paris. Its mobile app, GONG, aims to support aphasia patients who have suffered strokes using images that facilitate communication.
- 15 DÉC 26 FÉVRPulsalys SATT and IDEXLYON joint call for projects
The Pulsalys SATT and IDEXLYON are launching a joint call for projects to support innovation in the major theme "Humanities and Urbanity".
- 06 DÉCThe Université de Lyon and the University of Tokyo renew their cooperation agreement
The Université de Lyon and the University of Tokyo, the prestigious Japanese institution, have renewed their cooperation agreement for the next five years, as part of the International Alliance program.
- 05 DÉCEspace Ulys - End-of-year meal with international researchers
On Monday 4 December 2017, the Université de Lyon invited the Université de Lyon's international researchers to an end-of-year reception organized by Espace Ulys at the Alliance Française de Lyon.
- 04 DÉCSciences Po Lyon opens its Saint-Étienne campus
On December 4, 2017, Sciences Po Lyon opened its new Saint-Étienne campus at the Université Jean Monnet. The opening ceremony, which marked the end of 18 months of construction work, was an opportunity to highlight the strong links and shared effort that unite these two member institutions of the Université de Lyon.
- 04 DÉCThe Université de Lyon obtains the erasmus charter for higher education 2014-2020
Thanks to this charter, the Université de Lyon aims at reinforcing learning and mobility opportunities for students, academic staff, researchers and professors as well as fostering cooperation with academic and research centers in Europe and throughout the world.
- 01 DÉCThe Métropole de Lyon and the Université de Lyon award the 2017 Young Researcher Prize
The universities in the Métropole de Lyon have great research facilities that contribute to their excellence and reputation. To highlight their potential and the work they have carried out, the Métropole, in partnership with the Université de Lyon, decided to award €5,000 prizes to three young researchers.
- 25 NOVRegional Final for the 2017 Idea Challenge at the Université de Lyon
The regional final for the Idea Challenge, a competition for the student with the best idea, took place on Saturday 25 November at the Université de Lyon. Over fifty students from the entire region gathered to explore their idea, work on their pitch and defend their project to a jury of professionals.
- 17 NOVThe Université de Lyon and its Beelys PEPITE receives Canadian delegations as part of an agreement with the Université de Sherbrooke
Beelys (Boosting Entrepreneurial Spirit in Lyon and Saint-Étienne), the Université de Lyon's support center for student entrepreneurs, has teamed up with Sherbrooke's Accelerator for the Creation of Technological Businesses (ACET) in Canada to create an exchange and international mobility program for entrepreneurs who would like to take part.
- 14 NOVLaunch party for the 2017/2018 Beelys programs
Beelys (Boosting Entrepreneurial Spirit in Lyon and Saint-Étienne), the student entrepreneurship center, celebrated its 2017/2018 launch party on Tuesday 7 November in the Grand Amphithéâtre of the UdL. Over 300 partners, entrepreneurs and students gathered for the presentation of the Beelys programs and the graduation ceremony for entrepreneurs from the D2E (Student Entrepreneur Diploma) class of 2016/2017.
- 07 NOVProviding better support for dyslexic students: progress of the ETUDYs project by the ASLAN LabEx
The early care provided for pupils with specific learning difficulties may have improved considerably over the past fifteen years, but the situation remains difficult for students in higher education. The ETUDYS project aims to increase awareness of the difficulties faced by dyslexic students to provide better support..
- 12 OCTThe Signing of the Sustainable Development Plan Charter
On 11 October 2017, the Université de Lyon was among the 14 institutions to sign the Sustainable Development Plan charter for energy and environmental efficiency in public and private tertiary buildings.
- 18 SEPT 31 JANVA university diploma to learn how to oversee the digital transformation of companies
Are you a student in second year or above, or have you recently graduated? Are you looking to supplement your basic training program with a short course (17 weeks from 26 February 2018) orientated towards the socio-professional sector? Enroll now onto the Université de Lyon's Digital Transformation University Diploma (DU) (enrollment open until 31 January 2018)
- 01 SEPTFeedback on the allocation of PhD mobility funding launched by IDEXLYON
As part of IDEXLYON's call for PhD mobility applications, 50 grants have been allocated.
- 13 DÉCAre there any spaces left in the university libraries (BU)? An app that tells you everything you need to know
The "Open libraries +" scheme, which was created for the site by the Université de Lyon, aims to improve students' visits to libraries in Lyon Saint-Étienne by extending opening hours and informing users about the occupancy rates of the site's 12 libraries in real-time.
- 11 FÉVRWorkshop - Understanding dyslexia to provide better support for dyslexic students at university
Take a look at the comic book created by the ASLAN LabEx as part of the ETUDYS research project.