Student elections for the Board of directors of the Crous de Lyon
On The November 27, 2018
On November 27, students within the Académie de Lyon are asked to elect 7 student representatives to the Crous’s Board of directors for a two-year period.
Vote for you representatives on the Crous Board of directors
Student elections for the Board of directors of the Crous de Lyon will be held on Tuesday, November 27, 2018.
Why should I vote?
To have students who share your concerns representing your voice on the boards and councils of the Crous.
This is a way for you to assert your rights to social assistance, access to housing, collective catering, culture and student life.
To make sure that the Crous addresses your needs better than ever, vote on November 27!
To summarize:
Voting defends student life;
Voting improves your living and working conditions;
Voting takes 2 minutes of your time and will influence decision-making for 2 years.