Symposium / Seminar | Research, Life sciences

CirB-RNA project offers a scientific workshop on “Biomarkers of functional cure of Hepatitis B”

On The December 11, 2018

The CirB-RNA project, coordinated by the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 as part of the Investments for the Future Program, tries to create a diagnosis test to accompany the development of curative treatments of Hepatitis B, non-existent today whilst the disease affects more than 240 million people worldwide. In order to foster exchanges on the subject, the research team offers a workshop on December 11, with various speakers.

The goals of the CirB-RNA project are the validation of circulating hepatitis B virus (HBV) RNAs (cirHBV RNA) as an innovative, clinically relevant, non-invasive biomarker for patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) to predict a functional cure, and the development of the related diagnostic test up to a Clinical Trial Assay (CTA).

Find out more about CirB-RNA project

During this workshop, attendees will have the opportunity to listen to several conferences from specialists :

  • Antonio CRAXI, Palermo,
    “Critical appraisal of the literature on the natural history of Hepatitis B”
  • Pietro LAMPERTICO, Milan,
    “International recommendations for the treatment of Hepatitis B”
  • Carlo FERRARI, Parma,
    “Immunologic mechanism of viral persistence”
  • Fabien ZOULIM, Lyon,
    “Novel antiviral approaches to cure HBV infections”
  • Marintha HEIL, Pleasanton,
    “Novel molecular assays for viral Hepatitis B & D"
  • Maura DANDRI, Hamburg,
    "HBV infection and treatment in humanized mouse models: insight from novel biomarkers"
  • Massimo LEVRERO, Lyon,
    "State of the art on circulating viral RNAs as a biomarker of functional cure in chronic Hepatitis B patients"