News | Social action, Student Life

The Université de Lyon is taking part in Lifesaving Action Week

From April 23, 2018 to April 28, 2018

Lifesaving Action Week (Semaine des gestes qui sauvent), launched in 2017 by the Ville de Lyon, is a chance for the general public to learn about and train in basic first aid. The Université de Lyon is contributing to this laudable metropolitan initiative by offering a free induction workshop on April 25 from 6 pm to 8 pm.

As part of the "Health" objectives set by the Student Life Blueprint (SDVE - Schéma directeur de la vie étudiante) and to improve student access to medical care, the Université de Lyon and the health and/or student life services of the institutions are planning to develop an awareness program for the 2018-2019 academic year.

The UdL is, therefore, hosting a free induction workshop on first-aid measures on Wednesday, April 25 from 6 pm to 8 pm, at 92 rue Pasteur. The workshop will be led by personnel from the Rhône ambulance service (SAMU) and involve:

  • A beginners' course in first-aid measures, cardiac massage and the use of defibrillators from the medical team of the Lyon ambulance service;
  • A chance to participate in the "Lifesaving Action" team challenge on Saturday, April 28, in Place Bellecour.

This workshop is limited to 40 places and open to students from the member and associated institutions of the Université de Lyon.

► Register on the French website of the Université de Lyon

The workshop is part of the Lifesaving Action Week, an initiative led by the Ville de Lyon to promote the learning of effective first-aid methods and practices.

Université de Lyon
92, rue Pasteur
69361 LYON cedex 07