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WIL (Winter Innovation Lab) in Saint-Étienne
From February 26, 2018 to March 2, 2018
The first edition of the Winter Innovation Lab, February 26 to March 2, 2018, is coming. Learn how to create that prototype you really need.
Choosing a prototype adapted to your project and knowing how to create it is the main objective of the Winter Innovation Lab (WIL).
The concept of value proposition is crucial in all entrepreneurial approaches; it is the nexus between an idea and its market. A great way to test your value proposition is to create a prototype.
What is the WIL week? Over five days, around fifty participants will work on their projects in immersive sessions supported by trainers. WIL aims to encourage participants to reflect on the most suitable prototypes for their projects.
With the support of experts, the main bulk of the training will involve learning how to use tools that will enable them to make their prototypes (models, websites, videos, crowdfunding campaigns or a combination of several tools, etc.).
The training will end with a competition for the best prototype.
Who can apply?
Applications will be accepted from anyone carrying out projects to set up innovative startup companies. There are no specific criteria regarding the nature of the projects (technological, social innovation, innovative uses, etc.) or the academic or professional experience of the applicants.
How much does it cost?
Coaching, resources, meals and accommodation are included. There is just a participation fee of 70 euros per participant.
How can you apply?
To apply, you will need to fill in the application form which can be found here. If your application is accepted, registration will not be confirmed until your participation fee has been paid.
► Sign up to the Winter Innovation Lab