2018 Tour de France Agir Ensemble Operation: let’s be environmentally responsible!
From November 19, 2018 to November 23, 2018
The 2018 Tour de France Agir Ensemble operation will be held from November 19 to 23, 2018. This week will raise awareness of the importance of environmentally friendly actions with fun and educational workshops for students and staff.
This year’s Tour de France Agir Ensemble event is organized by the Association des villes universitaires de France (AVUF), the Université de Lyon, the CROUS de Lyon, the Métropole de Lyon and the Saint-Étienne Métropole to raise awareness among students and personnel of local sustainable development issues.
For the event, the site held a range of fun and educational workshops aiming to promote eco-friendly actions. These workshops will be held on campuses during the week of November 19, 2018.
Commitment to the Energy and Ecological Transition
In March 2018, the Université de Lyon developed an ambitious strategy for its commitment to completing the successful energy and ecological transition of the university campuses in Lyon Saint-Étienne and it is working to reduce its environmental impact. Uses and behaviors are some of the areas it is working on.
The Agir Ensemble operation will help to engage and raise the awareness of users on campus and communicate individual actions that will increase the impact of local policies to combat climate change.