Symposium / Seminar | International, Human and social sciences

“Learning to learn in a fake wews world, from high school to university” workshop

On The October 16, 2018

The Université de Lyon is hosting the “Learning to learn in a fake news world, from high school to university” colloquium on Tuesday, October 16, 2018, which is being organized by the Conference of University Presidents (CPU - Conférence des présidents d'université).

How can students learn how to learn, from high school to university?

The CPU is organizing a multidisciplinary colloquium next October 16 at the Université de Lyon, which will be attended by university presidents, research professors, instructors from Écoles supérieures du professorat et de l'éducation (ESPÉ), rectors, principals, secondary-school teachers and journalists.

In the age of democracy of opinion and its excesses, the public space of information needs to be called into question: what role should research play? How can we counter the destabilization of science and ensure that it remains the chief value? How can we highlight the value of pedagogy and autonomy in the learning process?

► These questions will be discussed during this colloquium, which is structured around three thematic panel discussions:

  • The importance of training young people;
  • The primacy of science over “opinion”;
  • The limits between information and free speech.

Khaled Bouabdallah, President of the Université de Lyon and Vice-President of the CPU will open the colloquium, alongside Marie-Danièle Campion, Rector of the Academy of Lyon and of the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Jean-François Balaudé, President of the Université Paris Nanterre, and President of the Alliance Athéna (pending confirmation).

This colloquium is free and open to everyone, subject to prior registration.

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