The Métropole de Lyon and the Université de Lyon are supporting scientific events
From March 26, 2018 to April 30, 2018
In partnership with the Université de Lyon, the Métropole de Lyon is supporting scientific events held in the region.
The Métropole is, therefore, providing financial support for scientific colloquiums and events:
That contribute to the strategies shared by the Métropole de Lyon and the Université de Lyon
And help to enhance the region's national and/or international outreach
The regulations for the support funds granted to scientific colloquiums and events, as well as the documents that form the funding request application, can be downloaded from this page. Applications will be examined by the Métropole de Lyon and the Université de Lyon.
The current campaign concerns events that will take place in the second semester of 2018.
How to apply
Completed applications must be sent by email or post to: - Métropole de Lyon - Délégation développement Economique – Emploi - Savoirs Direction Innovation et action économique Service Université 20 rue du Lac CS 33569 69505 Lyon cedex 03, France