Conference | Research

Open Access Day: libraries and researchers make science accessible to everyone

Le 18 October 2018 De 09:00 à 12:30

On October 18, 2018, during Open Access week, the Université de Lyon is organizing a half-day of conferences and workshops on the theme of open science.

As an extension of the Horizon 2020 program and in line with the wishes of the French Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the Université de Lyon is furthering its commitment to open science, aiming to spread publications and research data to a wider audience.

Open Access Day, on October 18 is an opportunity to show the potential link between information professionals and researchers to create structured, long-standing programs for open science. The morning will be planned around speeches given by professionals and researchers working on open science projects and mediation workshops.

Conferences scheduled on October 18

  • “Contributing to open science: telling and doing”
    By Frédérique Flamerie, tasked with open science/research data in the Documentation department of the Université de Bordeaux;
  • “Actions in favor of Open Science led by the École des Ponts”
    Training, information, design boards and drop-in sessions led by Frédérique Bordignon, IST director at the École des Ponts ParisTech.

Program and registration

In addition to this event, a number of events on the theme of Open Access will be held within the institutions of the Université de Lyon and their partners through the end of November.

This day is sponsored by IDEXLYON.