Exhibition | International

Europe Ambition Day 2018: seize opportunities to receive European funding

On The October 23, 2018

The Université de Lyon is co-organizing the 2018 Europe Ambition Day on October 23. This will provide an opportunity for many local companies and research centers to obtain European funding.

The first Lyon Ambition Day brought together over 250 participants in 2017, and is returning to Lyon for the second time on October 23, 2018.

The Europe Ambition Day is open to companies, academics and research/competence centers in the region who wish to increase their chances of receiving funding from the European Commission.

In presence of:
  • Annabel André-Laurent, Vice-President of the Conseil Régional, responsible for companies, employment, economic development, commerce, craftsmanship and independent professions;
  • Yannick Neuder, Vice-President of the Conseil régional, responsible for higher education, research, innovation and European funds.


► A plenary conference:
  • "European policies and funding for research and innovation, with a speech from the European Commission";
  • "The Horizon 2020 program and post-Horizon 2020 perspectives";
  • "The Juncker Plan and the instruments of the European Investment Bank (EIB)";
  • Panel discussions with success stories from SMEs, large organizations and regional laboratories with testimonials from project evaluators.

And of course, thematic workshops, individual appointments with National Contacts for the various programs presented in the morning, the EIB, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises and the co-organizers, as well as technical workshops.

If you wish to take part in this event, register online now (participation is free, but prior registration is required).

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