To develop entrepreneurial spirit, the Université de Lyon and the Fondation pour l’Université de Lyon supports students through the Beelys (Boosting Entrepreneurial Spirt in Lyon Saint-Etienne) PEPITE (Student Center for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship).

Beelys, which was created in 2014 and is run in conjunction with the Fondation pour l’Université de Lyon, offers training programs that are specially adapted for its different audiences.
It also provides a link between the university and stakeholders in Lyon and Saint-Etienne's entrepreneurial ecosystem and contributes to the dynamic of exchange between the academic and socio-economic sectors.

Beelys benefits over 25,000 students and young graduates from 33 institutions every year and enables them to develop entrepreneurial skills and strengthen their startup projects.

Beelys is supported by IDEXLYON, the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, as well as metropolises of Lyon & Saint-Étienne.

Other financial partners: AAUL, Bioderma, Boehringer Ingelheim, Caisse d'Épargne Rhône-Alpes, Groupe Caisse des dépots, CCI Lyon Métropole, Dalkia, EDF, Emergences, INPI, JCDecaux, Les Scop, LPA, Orial, Veolia, ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche.

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  • HUBLO Festival Beelys - Affiche
    HUBLO Festival Beelys - Affiche
  • Plaquette présentation BEELYS
    Plaquette présentation BEELYS


Beelys has put in place various programs that support students from their initial idea through to the creation of their company and its acceleration:
There are several competitions where you can learn how to set up a company and develop existing projects
  • Idea Challenge: learn about entrepreneurial spirit
  • The Campus Creation competition: create imaginary companies and deepen your entrepreneurial knowledge
  • The JEA entrepreneurs competition: supporting startups as they accelerate
► A special status and diploma for student entrepreneurs: the student entrepreneur diploma (D2E).
The D2E gives students the national status of student entrepreneurs, enables them to experience teaching based on experience and encourages them to take action, as part of the Marco Polo incubator on the LyonTech la Doua campus in Villeurbanne.
Students carrying out projects are::
  • Supervised by two mentors: a teacher and a professional,
  • hosted by the incubator where they will receive specialized support: workshops and seminars, support with prototypes, support with international mobility and help for those applying for Inovizi funding (a funding scheme for young innovative companies), etc.

Key figures

25,000 students have been trained in and educated about entrepreneurship
  6,600 students have participated in the Campus Creation competition
   400 students and young graduates have been supported and trained by the D2E diploma which provides access to an incubator and its services
   1,327 students and young graduates have participated in the JEA entrepreneurs competition
Un espace de co-working
Un espace de co-working - © Tristan Deschamps