The COMOD LabEx is supporting the call for NEOLATINLYON 2018 applications

From March 23, 2018 to April 4, 2018

Néolatinlyon 2018 - Call for applications for the neo-Latin school

With the support of the COMOD LabEx, the NEOLATIN thematic school is offering an intensive neo-Latin program studying relevant texts from various disciplines (literature, philosophy, law, theology and science). Although works written in Latin from the end of the Middle Ages up to today are defined as "neo-Latin", the school will be looking at the Renaissance and classical periods. 

This study program is, therefore, aimed at anyone wishing to learn about or deepen their understanding (through reading and translation) of Latin during these periods.

This four-day study program alternates between workshops and lessons aiming to provide the theoretical background required to understand the chosen texts and to respond to more general questions, using precise examples: How should we approach a neo-Latin text, not only from a philological point of view, but also a historical and conceptual point of view? What were the cultural, intellectual, scientific and religious environments in which these texts were produced? How can we use the notions of book history and ecdotics to better understand them? What is their relationship to vernacular languages?

► Please visit the COMOD LabEx website for the application procedure and further information.