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Feedback from the three support schemes for Syrian students at the Université de Lyon

On The December 18, 2017

In response to the situation in Syria, stakeholders in higher education and research from the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, including the Université de Lyon, have rallied together to better welcome and support Syrian students. We have received feedback from three of these schemes which were explained by statements from the students themselves.

Welcome and support scheme for ten Syrian students

On the initiative of the University Group for helping Syrian students in Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the Université de Lyon has been coordinating a three-year welcome and support scheme for ten Syrian students since October 2015. This action has been led with the financial and logistic support of the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the Métropole de Lyon, CROUS, the Préfecture du Rhône and the International Center of French Studies (CIEF).

Following a year-long FLE course (French as a Foreign Language) at the CIEF in 2015/2016, the students were enrolled at various institutions in 2016/2017 and 2017/2018: Université Lumière Lyon 2, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne, Sciences Po Lyon and VetAgro Sup (at the Clermont-Ferrand site).

MAEDI bursaries for Syrian students


In 2016, Campus France launched its first call for applications for the MAEDI (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development) bursaries for Syrian students in exile in France. 32 applicants were nominated by the Université de Lyon, 16 of whom were selected from the following institutions: Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne, INSA Lyon and ENSAL.

In the second call for applications for the 2016/2017 academic year, 11 applicants were selected from the following institutions at the Université de Lyon: Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne, ENTPE, ENSAL and ENSASE.


The Université de Lyon's Solidarity Fund

To expand the support scheme for Syrian students at the Lyon Saint-Étienne site, the member institutions of the Université de Lyon are committed to contributing to a shared solidarity fund. It is managed by the Université de Lyon and its deployment is coordinated by the Université de Lyon's Board.

The Solidarity Fund comprises a contribution from each institution according to its size and the number of students it hosts. At the end of the 2016/2017 academic year, the Université de Lyon completed an evaluation of the scheme that took into account the academic performance of the supported students. On 7 November 2017, the UdL's Board announced that it was in favor of renewing the Solidarity Fund for 2017/2018.

Supporting students and their needs as close as possible

In addition to the schemes established and coordinated by the Université de Lyon, Syrian students also benefit from human support and a close monitoring of their academic progression. Two students, Qasem and Haneen, have spoken about their experience in France and their studies at the Université de Lyon.

"Historically, the bond between our countries is very strong, especially for university cooperation":
► read the interview with Qasem, a student at Sciences Po Lyon.

"The Syrian legal system is relatively similar to French law":
► read the interview with Haneen, a student at the Faculty of Law at the Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3.