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Espace Ulys - End-of-year meal with international researchers

On The December 5, 2017

© Jean-François Marin
© Jean-François Marin

On Monday 4 December 2017, the Université de Lyon invited the Université de Lyon's international researchers to an end-of-year reception organized by Espace Ulys at the Alliance Française de Lyon.

Over 150 people from 40 countries enrolled at various institutions in Lyon and Saint-Étienne came to this end-of-year evening, the highpoint of a year that has been rich in events and encounters.

LThe President of the Alliance Française, Bernard Magnon, opened the evening with a reminder about the mission of the Alliance Française, which is historically committed to promoting and disseminating the French language and culture around the world. The President of the Université de Lyon, Khaled Bouabdallah, then highlighted the importance of welcoming global talent for the region to promote development, sharing, knowledge, and research excellence.

The partnership between the Université de Lyon and the Alliance Française is long-standing and the connection is clear: facilitating the welcoming of international researchers and encouraging them to learn French, which is considered to be a major vehicle of integration.

Since it was created in 2014, Espace Ulys has had a key objective: to contribute towards the attractiveness of the Université de Lyon and the site by creating the conditions for a successful stay for international researchers who will go on to become true ambassadors for our region.

Khaled Bouabdallah, Président de l'Université de Lyon, entouré de chercheurs internationaux. © Jean-François Marin
Khaled Bouabdallah, Président de l'Université de Lyon, entouré de chercheurs internationaux. © Jean-François Marin