Education | Education

When you can at last study plastronics

On The March 7, 2018

INSA Lyon, CPE Lyon, Lycée Arbez Carme and the Fondation pour l’Université de Lyon have pooled their expertise to build a training course dedicated to plastronics. The first training course, at bac+5 level (five years of post-baccalaureate study), will start in September, 2018.

At the convergence between plastic processing and electronics

Plastronics, a new field at the convergence between plastic processing and electronics, offers a real opportunity for the development of connected objects and embedded electronics. By directly integrating electronics into the surface of 3D polymer parts, these technologies help optimize system design, reduce the size and weight of objects and bring new functions without compromising on ergonomics and design, and thus meeting user demand. Companies must now be equipped with the adequate skill sets to fully explore the innovation potential of this new technology.

A number of sectors could benefit from this, such as transport, aeronautics, energy, healthcare, household goods, sport and leisure, etc.

INSA Lyon, CPE Lyon, Lycée Arbez Carme and the Fondation pour l’Université de Lyon are drawing on a combination of leading expertise and equipment across Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (theS2P company , the IPC technical center, the Ampère laboratory, etc.).

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