You want to take part in the contest? It couldn't be more simple

  1. Choose from the program and attend the various arts and culture events organized by the institutions at the Lyon Saint-Étienne university campuses as part of the Arts and Culture in Higher Education Days (JACES) 2018.
  2. Leave a comment on the JACES 2018 program post on the Université de Lyon's Facebook page (@UdLUniversitedeLyon): tell us your favorite artistic event or exhibition, share your musical discoveries or simply send us your JACES photos.
  3. 10 winners will be chosen from the comments in a draw!

The prizes

10 Culture Passes given by the Métropole de Lyon are up for grabs in the draw (each worth €18).

What is a Culture Pass?

The Culture Pass gives you 4 tickets over the entire cultural season in 90 locations in the Lyon metropolitan area!

A choice of 3 shows (opera, dance, theater, cabaret, concerts, festivals) in 60 locations and 1 movie ticket to choose from 31 partner movie theaters. The Culture Pass also gets you €11.50 off the Nuits Sonores music festival (May 6-13, 2018).


Who can take part?

Only students from the Université de Lyon's member and associated institutions can take part in the competition. The ten winners will be required to provide their statement of student status or student card.

The following institutions are eligible: Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Université Jean Monnet, ENS de Lyon, École Centrale Lyon, INSA Lyon, Sciences Po Lyon, VetAgro Sup, ENTPE, ENISE, Enssib, ENSATT, emlyon business school, CPE Lyon, ISARA-Lyon, ITECH-Lyon, ECAM Lyon, ENSAL, ENSASE, UCLy, Mines Saint-Étienne, CNSMD de Lyon, ESADSE, Inria, CNAM Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, ENSBA Lyon.

Terms of the draw

The draw will be carried out by the Université de Lyon among students having commented on the JACES 2018 posts on the Université de Lyon's Facebook page (@UdLUniversitedeLyon) between March 26 and April 8.

The ten winners will then be contacted in a private message.